mccosmetics DNA Gel 1.0 Vials 5ml x 5


mccosmetics DNA Gel 1.0 Vials 5ml x 5

Original price was: £59.00.Current price is: £35.40.

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5ml x 5 vials

Its active ingredient with an excellent antioxidant and moisturising effect protects the cell membranes from oxidative degradation. It promotes dead cell renovation and restores connective tissue, stimulating the healing processes. It prevents damaged collagen caused by exposure to sun radiation, oxidative stress and tobacco.

Main characteristics & effects :                                                                                                                                                                        Natural polymer, excellent antioxidant and moisturizing capabilities that protect the cell membranes from oxidative
degradation, reconstruct connective tissue stimulates the healing processes.

Recommended for :                                                                                                                                                                                                             revitalisation, Melasma, Psoriasis, Stretch Marks/ Scars

Main ingredients :                                                                                                                                                                                                Sodium DNA 2,5%

Usage Application :
an be used topically, transdermal with virtual mesotherapy (iontophoresis or electroporation), with RadioFrequency,
ultrasound, with microneedling (dermapen or derma-Roller) and with other mesotherapy procedures.

Treatment frequency: 1 session every 2 weeks | recommended 5-10 sessions

Maintenance treatment: 1 session every 1-2 months


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